Who, What, Where, When & Why of UNF Domains
When has now been established - September 12 is the official rollout target!
- Become familiar with the possibilities afforded by the Domain of One’s Own initiative
- Develop a conceptual understanding of how the Web works
- Begin to develop a working knowledge of how to build a site that represents you as a teacher and scholar
- Explore the implications of digital scholarship and networks on your own teaching and disciplinary interests
- Discover and reach out to your own online scholarly network
- Create a “product" (your site/blog) that is a representation of your thinking through this process
- Faculty ownership of their scholarship.
- UNF becoming part of a nationwide research project (community) in the use of open-source tools.
Who else? - Georgetown, Oklahoma, BYU, Michigan State, VCU, NYU, Emory
+ = Nice modifications
https://georgetown.domains/ - Georgetown University
https://create.ou.edu/ - Oklahoma University
https://domains.byu.edu/ - Brigham Young University
http://domains.cal.msu.edu/ - Michigan State University
https://rampages.us/ - Virginia Commonwealth University
https://hosting.nyu.edu/ - New York University
https://emorydomains.org/ - Emory University
https://middcreate.net/ - Middlebury College +
https://whittier.domains/ - Whittier College +
http://cikeys.com/ - Cal State U Channel Islands
http://musites.org/ - Maryville University
https://domains.davidson.edu/ - Davidson College
https://emerson.build/ - Emerson College
https://create.stedwards.edu/ - St. Edward’s University
https://create.gsu.edu/ - Georgia State University
https://coventry.domains/ - Coventry University
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uRnQdtfDpE
- http://buff.ly/2bVnX8J - Video and article from Michigan State
- Communications Toolkit for Academics - http://cabs.msu.edu/communications-toolkit-for-academics/index.html
- http://webfest.keeganslw.com/ - Webfest - from Domains conference looks pretty useful
- Websites - http://cabs.msu.edu/communications-toolkit-for-academics/websites.html - Make sure to highlight "Well-executed faculty websites" on this site
- http://cplong.org/2013/10/a-domain-of-your-own/
- A terrific conversation - read the comments - http://blog.mahabali.me/blog/educational-technology-2/i-dont-own-my-domain-i-rent-it-dooo/
- Benefits
- Digital Identity
- Community
- Data migration (own your data)
- Technical Skills (WordPress, Drupal, etc.)
- More Why’s
- http://georgetown.domains/why-domains/
- http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2007/09/07/controlling_you.html
- https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/cm-wordpress/all/all - Why WordPress (latest stats on WP usage)
An Academic Publishing Space for UNF
Sub-domain for free, personal domains if you purchase one
Step #1 - Pick a domain name
Step #2 - Install an application
Step #3 - Configure the application
Step #4 - Add Content
Repeat steps 2-4 as needed (add sub-domains if necessary)
Alternative Steps:
- Login
- Explore cPanel
- Add applications
- Adjust & Iterate - learning as you go
- Become a community member
- Own it (take it wherever you go)
Workshops - TBA
Documentation & Building Blocks
- http://umwdtlt.com/documentation/
- http://create.ou.edu/docs/ - What we want documentation to look like
- https://docs.cirtunf.org/ - Where UNF docs live right now - need updating
Contrast “Domain of One’s Own" to a “Domain of Someone Else’s"
- Who? Starts with YOU - me, CIRT, Reclaim Hosting - See schools above
- What? - Goal - By the end you will have a defined web presence - a domain, with something in it
- Where? - Everywhere (at least anywhere the internet can be reached)
- When? Always - The internet doesn’t go down only connections to it or certain parts (what are the parts?)
- How? Documentation - Report issues/troubles (https://status.reclaimhosting.com/) - also - http://howthewebworks.acdigitalpedagogy.org/
- Why? http://bavatuesdays.com/practical-advice-for-running-domain-of-ones-own/
What can be done?
- Syndicating Student Blogs - “MotherBlog" vs. Individual Blogs -http://umwdtlt.com/using-feedwordpress-for-syndication/
- Faculty Bio/CV site
- Faculty Book Promotion
- Faculty/Dept Podcast
- Faculty Portfolio
- I Want That! (See someone’s site and duplicate it)
- https://blog.learningbird.com/crafting-your-digital-identity-the-basics/
- Syllabus - http://page.teachingwithoutwalls.com/humanized-syllabus - example is NOT WordPress (but could be)
Faculty Examples:
Domain of One’s Own Users at Other Universities:
UNF Faculty Using WordPress:
http://forcommongood.com/blog/ - Parvez Ahmed
http://jennabraddock.com/ - Jenna Braddock
Class Website Examples:
https://historymatters.cirtunf.org/ - podcast
http://create.ou.edu/docs/ - What we want documentation to look like
http://notes.adamcroom.com/2017/cloning-a-own-documentation-wordpress-site - Adam’s Doc Cloning Instructions
http://docs.umwdtlt.org/ - More comprehensive support for integrating tools (Media, Canvas, Digital Tools, Online Learning
http://docs.reclaimhosting.com/ - Documentation at Reclaim Hosting
https://community.reclaimhosting.com - Community support for Domains
https://reclaimhosting.com/backups-done-right/ - Backups!!!!
Ideas - Open lab support - Faculty bring laptops or borrow them. Start by seeing what the common problems/needs are.
WordPress.com - Why do I need it?
https://learn.wordpress.com/ - Get the Most from WordPress.com
https://move.wordpress.com/ - Move from WordPress.com to a self-hosted WordPress (i.e. Domains!)
https://andyrush.wordpress.com/ - My WordPress.com site
Articles, Presentations, Podcasts:
Articles have appeared in:
- The Chronicle of Higher Education (http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/starting-your-own-website-reclaim-your-hosting/60939)
- Educause (http://www.educause.edu/visuals/shared/er/extras/2014/ReclaimingInnovation/default.html#extra)
- Campus Technology (https://campustechnology.com/articles/2014/04/02/an-e-portfolio-with-no-limits.aspx)
- Wired Magazine (http://www.wired.com/insights/2012/07/a-domain-of-ones-own/)
http://chronicle.com/blogs/techtherapy/2012/12/05/episode-101-giving-everyone-at-college-a-domain-of-ones-own/ - podcast episode
http://create.ou.edu/docs/ - Oklahoma University
http://docs.umwdtlt.org/ - UMW documentation including WordPress, UMW Blogs, UMW Domains, Media Production, Canvas, other software
http://onlinecoursemedia.net/ - Future space for articles on Domains at UNF
http://docs.reclaimhosting.com/ - Documentation at Reclaim Hosting
Posts from people sharing their process:
Lee Skallerup Bessette - http://umwdtlt.com/claiming-a-domain-of-my-own/
Reclaim Hosting Blog - https://reclaimhosting.com/blog/
A video I helped produce for Domain of One’s Own:
Digital Identity from the Faculty Initiative - http://fi.umwdomains.com/curriculum/week-2/
Digital Pedagogy
Remember - these sites are like gardens. They need to be tended to, and occasionally weeded and fertilized (please, only virtual fertilizer). With WordPress, there are plugins that will assist you with things like broken links and spam in comments. Remember this is your online identity. It needs to be constantly managed, but with that management, it means that you will have the most control over it.
This document is published to the web at http://andyrush.postach.io/post/who-what-where-why-of-unf-domains
July 5th, 2017