Asynchronous vs Synchronous
"real time"
"classroom replacement"
- Less frustration (answers provided immediately)
- Overcome isolation
- Slightly more "social"
- Better monitoring of reactions to information (confusion, understanding)
- More motivating, encourage commitment
Google Hangouts
Adobe Connect
"any time"
"correspondance course"
- More thoughtful
- More time refining contributions
- Deeper investigation
- Encourages proficiency
- Mitigate scheduling issues/conflicts
- Satisfies the self-motivated learners
- Increases probability of getting lost or off track (if questions aren't answered right away or comprehension isn't assessed)
- Probably requires Internet access (student can visit campus)
CMS (Canvas)
Discussion Boards
Video - where does it fit in?
Efficiency - Record your "standard" lecture - the intro lecture you've done a hundred times
Promotion - Record your "best" lecture - What's that one great lecture you give each semester?
Anticipation - Record your (short) lecture for an "anticipatory set"
Archive - Record your lectures for "review"
Creativity - Share learning creatively
Asynchronous vs. Synchronous --> Asynchronous AND Synchronous
- Often a matter of degree as opposed to one or the other
- Complement each other
- Individuals vs. social participants
- Using both to foster serendipitous discoveries
July 12th, 2013